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I am a refugee, what are my rights?

In the current political context, when there is a daily increase in the number of Ukrainian refugees fleeing war, a legal issue of particular importance is the status of refugees. In the following lines, we will present how to obtain refugee status and the legal...

Sunt refugiat, ce drepturi am?

În contextul politic actual, când se constată o creștere zilnică a numărului refugiaților ucrainieni fugiți din calea războiului, o problemă de drept ce prezintă deosebită importanță este reprezentată de statutul refugiaților. În rândurile ce urmează, vom prezenta cum...

Can adoption be cancelled?

Adoption is the legal operation by which the parentage is established between the adopter and the adoptee, as well as kinship between the adoptee and the relatives of the adopter. However, there are cases in which the court is required to approve the annulment of the...