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Law 268/2020 completed and modified the Law no. 273/2004 regarding the adoption procedure. 

Thus, we mention the most important changes:

  • The periods in which children remain in the adoption system become shorter;
  • Children up to the age of majority can be adopted;
  • The certificate of adopter is extended from 2 years to 5 years. Its validity is extended by law until the approval of the adoption in the situation in which the request for approval of the adoption of the child in foster care for at least 6 months has been submitted to the court;
  • The child’s biological relatives are searched only once and only up to and including the third degree, thus shortening the period in which a child stays in the protection system;
  • If the adopter or adoptive family belongs to national minorities, the assessment and preparation may be carried out, on request, in the language of that national minority.